Three Conditionals

Three Conditionals

The Three Conditionals and the Beggar

2 abr 2007





Vaughan Lesson

Three Conditionals
The Three Conditionals and the Beggar

1 Let´s say that I´m a person who likes to give money to beggars (mendigos). Let´s say that after work one day, I leave my last class and start walking towards my car (en EE..UU. solemos decir "toward", sin "s"). As I am walking, I notice a beggar sitting on the pavement (acera - en EE.UU. decimos "sidewalk") and I think to myself:

If I have a coin, I´ll give it to the beggar.
(Si tengo una moneda, se la daré al mendigo.)

This is the future conditional. Some books call it the "first" conditional. It´s a condition of the future because I don´t know yet if I have a coin or not.

If present tense, future tense
(...I have) (I will give)

2 As I continue walking towards the beggar, checking my pockets, I realize that I don´t have a coin. When I finally reach him, I look at him and say:

If I had a coin, I would give it to you.
(Si tuviera una moneda, se la daría a usted.)

This is the present conditional. Some books call it the "second" conditional. It´s a condition of the present because it is happening right now.

If I had a coin right now, I would give it to the beggar right now.
If past tense, conditional tense
(...I had) (I would give)

Nota: Tratándose del verbo "to be", siempre se usa "were" después de "if", no "was"
(If I were rich...)

3 Thirty minutes later, at home, I tell my wife: You know, half an hour ago I saw a beggar and I didn´t have any coins.

If I had had a coin, I would have given it to him.
(Si hubiera tenido una moneda, se la habría dado)

This is the past conditional. Some books call it the "third" conditional.

If past perfect tense, past conditional tense
(...I had had) (I would have given)

Vaughan Las 4 joyas del Vaughan Review

Repasa estos cuatro puntos del Vaughan Review para aumentar tu vocabulario.
Truco: para aprender una palabra nueva, repítela hasta la saciedad.

Key learning:

Cuando la preposición "to" significa "se trata de" le sigue un verbo en gerundio.
When it comes to improving your English, it´s necessary to study every day.

One expression:

Hay un virus rondando por ahi.
There´s a bug going around.

One phrasal verb:

To get over - recuperar / pasar por encima.
I still haven´t got over the shock
No me he recuperado del choque todavía.

One adjective:
Scruffy - desaliñado
He looks very scruffy.

Tip from Cloverdale

En tan sólo un minuto... Cloverdale te da una lección en vídeo sobre partes esenciales de la gramática inglesa.

Today´s lesson: In a car

Si quieres oir Cloverdale en directo escúchale en:

Listening and reading Vaughan

Lee y escucha este fragmento del libro "Conditionals No problem!" Se trata de un excelente libro para mejorar en el uso de condicionales.

Si yo hubiese aceptado, habría ido.

Si yo hubiese ido, habría hablado.

Si ella hubiese ganado, habría llorado.

Si hubiesen empezado, yo habría terminado.

If I had accepted, I would have gone.

If I had gone, I would have spoken.

If she had won, she would have cried.

If they had started, I would have finished.






Si te ha gustado pincha aquí y consigue tu libro de condicionales



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